The simultaneous color contrast was created by using different painting techniques. Initials which were created and rotated in photoshop were then cut out, and layered. The colors used are blue and orange, which are complementary. Paint was watered down, and the dropped around, covering the surface of the page. A grey value was added with a thin paint brush, and applies in different areas. The bottom layer is primarily orange, with some blue, while the initials are primarily blue, with some orange. Although both layers use the same technique, the composition is still interesting because the patterns do not align. Symmetry is found in the initials of the piece. There is also similarity, because similar shapes were used around the page. In order to improve the piece, more blue could have been added to the blue layer, and more orange to the orange layer, which would make the layers easier to see.
The piece above uses blue green, red, and orange, which is split complementary. The bottom layer is primarily blue green, with some red and orange, while the initial layer is primarily red and orange, with some blue green. The paint was applied with different sized paint brushes, and different length strokes. The grey values were added by using longer strokes of grey paint. The composition is interesting because although there are many lines of different lengths and colors, the layers still appear to be separate. Not all of the paint strokes are smooth, which adds interest to the piece. Continuation is seen in some of the grey lines. To add interest to the piece, more strokes could be added to each layer, leaving less white space.